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World Cup 2018 with Glorp

10 Jun 2018

I last wrote about football.db in a Jul 2014 blog post. Four years have gone by, and the World Cup is here again. This time around, I've started building a Glorp descriptor system for the World Cup data.

football.db's data is described in YAML files which are assembled into SQLite databases using tools written in Ruby. From the constructed 2014 and 2018 World Cup databases, I've created SQL dumps and placed them in the repo. To get an SQLite database from the 2018 SQL dump file:

% sqlite3 wc2018.db < wc2018.sql

In its current state, footballdb-Glorp allows querying the initial World Cup first round group membership.

| login sess |
login := Login new
  database: UDBCSQLite3Platform new;
  host: '';
  port: '';
  username: '';
  password: '';
  databaseName: '/tmp/wc2018.db';
sess := OFDescriptor sessionForLogin: login.
sess login.
[   Transcript clear.	
    (sess read: OFTournamentTeam) do: [ :ea |
      Transcript show: ea group title , ' - ', ea team title; cr ]
] ensure: [ sess logout ].

This Glorp descriptor may not be completed in time for this World Cup which is starting in a few days, but will be in time for the next one for sure! :-) Load it thusly:

Metacello new 
  repository: 'github://PierceNg/footballdb-Glorp:master/repo';
  baseline: 'OpenFootball';
Tags: Glorp, SQLite