The Hello World intro to machine learning is usually by way of the Iris flower image classification or the MNIST handwritten digit recognition. In this post, I describe training a neural network in Pharo to perform handwritten digit recognition. Instead of the MNIST dataset, I'll use the smaller UCI dataset. According to the description, this dataset consists of two files:
The files are in CSV format. Let's use the excellent NeoCSV package to read the data:
| rb training testing |
rb := [ :fn |
| r |
r := NeoCSVReader on: fn asFileReference readStream.
1 to: 64 do: [ :i |
r addFieldConverter: [ :string | string asInteger / 16.0 ]].
"The converter normalizes the 64 input integers into floats between 0 and 1."
r addIntegerField.
r upToEnd ].
training := rb value: '/tmp/optdigits.tra'.
testing := rb value: '/tmp/optdigits.tes'.
Next, install MLNeuralNetwork by Oleksandr Zaytsev:
Metacello new
repository: '';
configuration: 'MLNeuralNetwork';
version: #development;
MLNeuralNetwork operates on MLDataset instances, so modify the CSV reader accordingly:
| ohv rb dsprep training testing |
"Create and cache the 10 one-hot vectors."
ohv := IdentityDictionary new.
0 to: 9 do: [ :i |
ohv at: i put: (MLMnistReader onehot: i) ].
"No change."
rb := [ :fn |
| r |
r := NeoCSVReader on: fn asFileReference readStream.
1 to: 64 do: [ :i |
r addFieldConverter: [ :string | string asInteger / 16.0 ]].
"The converter normalizes the 64 input integers into floats between 0 and 1."
r addIntegerField.
r upToEnd ].
"Turn the output of 'rb' into a MLDataset."
dsprep := [ :aa |
MLDataset new
input: (aa collect: [ :ea | ea allButLast asPMVector ])
output: (aa collect: [ :ea | ohv at: ea last ]) ].
training := dsprep value: (rb value: '/tmp/optdigits.tra').
testing := dsprep value: (rb value: '/tmp/optdigits.tes').
Note MLMnistReader>>onehot: which creates a 'one-hot' vector for each digit. One-hot vectors make machine learning more effective. They are easy to understand "pictorially":
Since there are over 5,000 records, we precompute the one-hot vectors and reuse them, instead of creating one vector per record.
Now create a 3-layer neural network of 64 input, 96 hidden, and 10 output neurons, set it to learn from the training data for 500 epochs, and test it:
| net result |
net := MLNeuralNetwork new initialize: #(64 96 10).
net costFunction: (MLSoftmaxCrossEntropy new).
net outputLayer activationFunction: (MLSoftmax new).
net learningRate: 0.5.
net learn: training epochs: 500.
result := Array new: testing size.
testing input doWithIndex: [ :ea :i |
| ret |
ret := net value: ea.
result at: i
put: (Array
"'i' identifies the record in the test set."
with: i
"The neuron that is 'most activated' serves as the prediction."
with: (ret indexOf: (ret max: [ :x | x ])) - 1
"The actual digit from the test set, decoded from its one-hot vector."
with: ((testing output at: i) findFirst: [ :x | x = 1 ]) - 1) ].
result inspect.
From the inspector, we can see that the network got records 3, 6 and 20 wrong:
In the inspector's code pane, the following snippet shows that the network's accuracy is about 92%.
1 - (self select: [ :x | (x second = x third) not ]) size / 1797.0)
Not bad for a first attempt. However, the data set's source states that the K-Nearest Neighbours algorithm achieved up to 98% accuracy on the testing set, so there's plenty of room for improvement for the network.
Here's a screenshot showing some of the 8x8 digits with their predicted and actual values. I don't know about you, but the top right "digit" looks more like a smudge to me than any number.
Code to generate the digit images follows:
| mb |
mb := [ :array :row :predicted :actual |
| b lb |
b := RTMondrian new.
b shape box
size: 1;
color: Color gray.
b nodes: array.
b normalizer normalizeColorAsGray: [ :x | x * 16 ].
b layout gridWithPerRow: 8;
gapSize: 0.
b build.
lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
lb view: b view.
lb textSize: 9;
addText: 'Row ', row asString,
': Predicted = ', predicted asString,
'. Actual = ', actual asString,
lb build.
b ].
rand := Random new.
6 timesRepeat: [
| x |
x := rand nextInt: 1797.
(mb value: (testing input at: x)
value: x
value: (result at: x) second
value: (result at: x) third)
inspect ]
Let's also look at the failed predictions:
| failed |
failed := (result select: [ :x | (x second = x third) not ])
collect: [ :x | x first ].
6 timesRepeat: [
| x |
x := rand nextInt: 1797.
[ failed includes: x ] whileFalse: [ x := rand nextInt: 1797 ].
(mb value: (testing input at: x)
value: x
value: (result at: x) second
value: (result at: x) third)
inspect ]
Putting the code altogether:
| ohv rb dsprep training testing net result mb rand failed |
ohv := IdentityDictionary new.
0 to: 9 do: [ :i |
ohv at: i put: (MLMnistReader onehot: i) ].
rb := [ :fn |
| r |
r := NeoCSVReader on: fn asFileReference readStream.
1 to: 64 do: [ :i |
r addFieldConverter: [ :string | string asInteger / 16.0 ]].
r addIntegerField.
r upToEnd ].
dsprep := [ :aa |
MLDataset new
input: (aa collect: [ :ea | ea allButLast asPMVector ])
output: (aa collect: [ :ea | ohv at: ea last ]) ].
training := dsprep value: (rb value: '/tmp/optdigits.tra').
testing := dsprep value: (rb value: '/tmp/optdigits.tes').
net := MLNeuralNetwork new initialize: #(64 96 10).
net costFunction: (MLSoftmaxCrossEntropy new).
net outputLayer activationFunction: (MLSoftmax new).
net learningRate: 0.5.
net learn: training epochs: 500.
result := Array new: testing size.
testing input doWithIndex: [ :ea :i |
| ret |
ret := net value: ea.
result at: i
put: (Array
"'i' identifies the record in the test set."
with: i
"The neuron that is 'most activated' serves as the prediction."
with: (ret indexOf: (ret max: [ :x | x ])) - 1
"The actual digit from the test set, decoded from its one-hot vector."
with: ((testing output at: i) findFirst: [ :x | x = 1 ]) - 1) ].
result inspect.
mb := [ :array :row :predicted :actual |
| b lb |
b := RTMondrian new.
b shape box
size: 1;
color: Color gray.
b nodes: array.
b normalizer normalizeColorAsGray: [ :x | x * 16 ].
b layout gridWithPerRow: 8;
gapSize: 0.
b build.
lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
lb view: b view.
lb textSize: 8;
addText: 'Row ', row asString,
': Predicted = ', predicted asString,
'. Actual = ', actual asString,
lb build.
b ].
rand := Random new.
6 timesRepeat: [
| x |
x := rand nextInt: 1797.
(mb value: (testing input at: x)
value: x
value: (result at: x) second
value: (result at: x) third)
inspect ].
failed := (result select: [ :x | (x second = x third) not ]) collect: [ :x | x first ].
6 timesRepeat: [
| x |
x := rand nextInt: 1797.
[ failed includes: x ] whileFalse: [ x := rand nextInt: 1797 ].
(mb value: (testing input at: x)
value: x
value: (result at: x) second
value: (result at: x) third)
inspect ]
Tags: deep learning, machine learning
In the previous post I mentioned using Iceberg successfully. The code I was pushing is SLRCalculator, a simple linear regression calculator, written to take Oleksandr Zaytsev's DataFrame library for a spin, by way of porting Jason Brownlee's excellent simple linear regression in Python to Pharo.
Firstly, install DataFrame. This also pulls in Roassal.
Metacello new
baseline: 'DataFrame';
repository: 'github://PolyMathOrg/DataFrame';
SLRCalculator implements mean, variance, covariance, coefficients etc, and also incorporates the Swedish automobile insurance dataset used by Jason in his Python example.
SLRCalculator class>>loadSwedishAutoInsuranceData
| df |
df := DataFrame fromRows: #(
( 108 392.5 )
( 19 46.2 )
( 13 15.7 )
"more lines" ).
df columnNames: #(X Y).
^ df
The computation for covariance also uses DataFrame.
covariance: dataFrame
| xvalues yvalues xmean ymean covar |
xvalues := dataFrame columnAt: 1.
yvalues := dataFrame columnAt: 2.
xmean := self mean: xvalues.
ymean := self mean: yvalues.
covar := 0.
1 to: xvalues size do: [ :idx |
covar := covar + (((xvalues at: idx) - xmean) * ((yvalues at: idx) - ymean)) ].
^ covar
Let's see how to use SLRCalculator to perform linear regression, with graphing using Roassal. First declare the variables and instantiate some objects:
| allData splitArray trainingData testData s coeff g dsa dlr legend |
s := SLRCalculator new.
allData := SLRCalculator loadSwedishAutoInsuranceData.
Next, split the data set into training and test subsets. Splitting without shuffling means to always take the first 60% of the data for training.
splitArray := s extractForTesting: allData by: 60 percent shuffled: false.
trainingData := splitArray at: 1.
testData := splitArray at: 2.
coeff := s coefficients: trainingData.
Set up for graphing. Load `allData' as points.
g := RTGrapher new.
allData do: [ :row |
dsa := RTData new.
dsa dotShape color: Color blue.
dsa points: { (row at: 1) @ (row at: 2) }.
dsa x: #x.
dsa y: #y.
g add: dsa ].
Create the points to plot the linear regression of the full data set, using the coefficients computed from the training subset.
dlr := RTData new.
dlr noDot.
dlr connectColor: Color red.
dlr points: (allData column: #X).
" y = b0 + (b1 * x) "
dlr x: #yourself.
dlr y: [ :v | (coeff at: 1) + (v * (coeff at: 2)) ].
g add: dlr.
Make the plot look nice.
g axisX noDecimal; title: 'Claims'.
g axisY title: 'Total payment in SEK'.
g shouldUseNiceLabels: true.
g build.
legend := RTLegendBuilder new.
legend view: g view.
legend addText: 'Swedish Automobile Insurance Data Linear Regression'.
legend build.
g view
Putting the code altogether:
| allData splitArray trainingData testData s coeff g dsa dlr legend |
s := SLRCalculator new.
allData := SLRCalculator loadSwedishAutoInsuranceData.
splitArray := s extractForTesting: allData by: 60 percent shuffled: false.
trainingData := splitArray at: 1.
testData := splitArray at: 2.
coeff := s coefficients: trainingData.
g := RTGrapher new.
allData do: [ :row |
dsa := RTData new.
dsa dotShape color: Color blue.
dsa points: { (row at: 1) @ (row at: 2) }.
dsa x: #x.
dsa y: #y.
g add: dsa ].
dlr := RTData new.
dlr noDot.
dlr connectColor: Color red.
dlr points: (allData column: #X).
" y = b0 + (b1 * x) "
dlr x: #yourself.
dlr y: [ :v | (coeff at: 1) + (v * (coeff at: 2)) ].
g add: dlr.
g axisX noDecimal; title: 'Claims'.
g axisY title: 'Total payment in SEK'.
g shouldUseNiceLabels: true.
g build.
legend := RTLegendBuilder new.
legend view: g view.
legend addText: 'Swedish Automobile Insurance Data Linear Regression'.
legend build.
g view
Copy/paste the code into a playground, press shift-ctrl-g...