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[ANN] TF-Login for Seaside 3.3 for Pharo 7

15 Nov 2019

I've ported TF-Login to Seaside 3.3 and Pharo 7.

To load, start with fresh Pharo 7 image:

Metacello new 
    baseline: 'Seaside3'; 
    repository: 'github://SeasideSt/Seaside:v3.3.3/repository'; 
Metacello new 
    baseline: 'TFLogin'; 
    repository: 'github://PierceNg/TF-Login:pharo7/src'; 

The baseline doesn't load Seaside, in case you want to load it into an image that already has Seaside.

Start Test Runner and run the TF-Login tests. All 62 tests should pass.

Tags: Seaside, security, TF-Login