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Seaside-REST APIs for RedditSt20

13 Jan 2018

I've implemented RESTful APIs for RedditSt20 using Seaside-REST. The API endpoints are accessible using Curl:

% curl -X GET -H "Accept: text/json"
<JSON output in one long line>

The same from Zinc, using NeoJSON to pretty-print:

NeoJSONWriter toStringPretty: 
  (NeoJSONObject fromString: 
    (ZnEasy get: '') contents)


		"points" : 0,
		"url" : "http://postgresql.org",
		"created" : "2018-01-13T20:03:56.405254+08:00",
		"title" : "PostgreSQL",
		"id" : 9
		"points" : 0,
		"url" : "http://sqlite.org",
		"created" : "2018-01-13T20:03:56.404526+08:00",
		"title" : "SQLite",
		"id" : 10
		"points" : 0,
		"url" : "http://pharo.org",
		"created" : "2018-01-13T20:03:56.403656+08:00",
		"title" : "Pharo",
		"id" : 11

Voting is implemented using POST:

% curl -X POST \
    -H "Accept: text/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: text/json" \  

Let's check out the highest ranking links:

NeoJSONWriter toStringPretty: 
  (NeoJSONObject fromString: 
    (ZnEasy get: '') contents)

Here's the output:

		"points" : 1,
		"url" : "http://pharo.org",
		"created" : "2018-01-13T20:03:56.403656+08:00",
		"title" : "Pharo",
		"id" : 11
		"points" : 0,
		"url" : "http://postgresql.org",
		"created" : "2018-01-13T20:03:56.405254+08:00",
		"title" : "PostgreSQL",
		"id" : 9
		"points" : 0,
		"url" : "http://sqlite.org",
		"created" : "2018-01-13T20:03:56.404526+08:00",
		"title" : "SQLite",
		"id" : 10

To create a new link, use PUT:

% curl -X PUT \
    -H "Accept: text/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: text/json" \
    -d '{"title":"Glorp", "url":"http://glorp.org"}' \   

And here it is:

		"points" : 0,
		"url" : "http://glorp.org",
		"created" : "2018-01-13T20:15:15.569197+08:00",
		"title" : "Glorp",
		"id" : 12

Code is on STH. I plan to move it to GH anytime now.

Tags: Seaside