Getting RFB to work is always an adventure. On the newly released Pharo 3.0, RFB installs cleanly:
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'PharoExtras' project: 'RFB';
package: 'ConfigurationOfRFB';
(ConfigurationOfRFB project version: #stable) load.
However, running the VNC Server GUI results in "MessageNotUnderstood: UpdatingMenuItemMorph>>wordingProvider:wordingSelector:".
Never mind, let's run it programmatically:
RFBServer current
allowEmptyPasswords: false;
setFullPassword: 'abc123'; "Clear text passwords..."
setViewPassword: 'abc123456!'; "... urgh!"
enableLogging: true;
enableDebugging: true;
start: 0.
RFBServer current isRunning. true
Start the Pharo VM process (on an X-less Ubuntu 14.04 server):
% pharo -vm-display-none -vm-sound-none pharo.image &
Connect via COTVNC, try stuff... Wait, what, it froze? Close VNC connection, reconnect, and we have a debugger. Drag the debugger window... froze again. Close VNC connection, reconnect, and the debugger window is in the dragged-to position. The debugger window shows that, in this particular invocation of RFBFramebufferUpdateRectHeader>>unsignedShortAt:put:bigEndian:, the parameter value is a Float.
As the VNC connection keeps freezing, it was not possible to debug this remotely via VNC. So it is time to switch back to regular desktop Pharo.
After a bit of experimentation, this change in RFBFramebufferUpdateRectHeader>>bounds:type: seems to fix the problem:
bounds: aRect type: type
"Set the contents of the receiver to represent a rectangle of the specified type."
| left top width height aBlock |
aBlock := [ :v | (v isFloat) ifTrue: [ v truncated ] ifFalse: [ v ] ].
left := aBlock value: aRect left.
top := aBlock value: aRect top.
width := aBlock value: aRect width.
height := aBlock value: aRect height.
unsignedShortAt: 1 put: left;
unsignedShortAt: 3 put: top;
unsignedShortAt: 5 put: width;
unsignedShortAt: 7 put: height;
unsignedLongAt: 9 put: type
Once again, I have working VNC into Pharo running on an X-less server. Yay.
What about the clear text passwords? That's what SpsSplitPasswordStore is for:
RFBServer current
allowEmptyPasswords: false;
setFullPassword: (SpsSplitPasswordStore readFrom: 'spsrw.dat');
setViewPassword: (SpsSplitPasswordStore readFrom: 'spsro.dat');
enableLogging: true;
enableDebugging: true;
start: 0.
Tags: RFB, VNC